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Please visit us on Youtube to view recordings of past webinars:


2020 cira conference

CIRA officially hosted their last conference from June 24th to 27th, 2020 at Ryerson University in Toronto (Ontario) in the 10th International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) Regional Congress for the Americas. Johanna Weststar, Associate Professor, DAN Management & Organizational Studies, Western University and Lorenzo Frangi, Professor at the Département d’organisation et ressources humaines, UQÀM chaired the conference.

Following the congress’ transition online, CIRA hosts presentations’ videos on its Youtube page.


The New corporation: the webinar (2021)

With CEO compensation soaring, income inequality at all-time highs, the planet facing ecological disaster, and democracy in a precarious situation, Joel Bakan and Jennifer Abbott have again teamed up to make the movie The New Corporation: The Unfortunately Necessary Sequel. And, in printed form, from the author of The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power (2004) comes The New Corporation: How “Good” Corporations are Bad for Democracy (2020).

You can listen to the recording of the event: http://www.crimt.net/en/2021/04/07/enregistrement-the-new-corporation-avec-joel-bakan/

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